Pure Waste is a Finnish textile company founded in 2013 that makes fabrics and garments from 100% recycled yarns. The idea behind the company started back in 2010, when the founders tried to find a fabric made from 100% recycled fibres, but without success, so they had to start developing it themselves. Pure Waste operates worldwide, selling clothing to consumers, retailers and corporate customers.

Switching from Magento to WooCommerce

The collaboration between Pure Waste and Avoin.Systems started with an ERP project, where we implemented an ERP system to support the company’s growth. Pure Waste needed a system to support their operations that could grow with the business and provide more real-time information, data and reports.

As Pure Waste’s Magento online store became obsolete, we expanded the partnership to include a stronger e-commerce side. Switching from Magento to the WooCommerce platform was a natural fit, as we had already implemented the online store for the company’s Costo brand of accessories and hats on top of WooCommerce. This meant that we were already familiar with the platform and its functionality and the project got off to a smooth start.

The e-commerce project was completed ahead of schedule using the MVP model

The project started with a requirements definition process to establish a clear understanding of the project and list the desired functionality for the e-commerce. The online store was implemented using the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach, where limited features were released first and the rest of the desired functionality was brought into the online store as further development.

The MVP version of the new e-commerce site was delivered on time and within budget, although the schedule was accelerated at the request of the client. The Pure Waste project team’s good preparation, clear prioritisation of functions and previous experience with WooCommerce helped the project to progress smoothly. In addition, we were able to implement even more features in the first release version than originally planned. After the MVP release, we continued to work together directly on further development, which was completed during spring 2023.

Efficient communication between the ERP system and e-commerce

Like the Costo e-commerce, the e-commerce was integrated with Pure Waste’s existing ERP system. This integration allows products, stock balances, prices, customers and orders to flow seamlessly between the ERP system and the WooCommerce e-commerce store.

The ERP eCommerce service package saves us a lot of time and headaches by having the in-house expertise to build and develop these two mutually vital programs. It was also easier to understand and consult with the client’s needs without having to deal with multiple suppliers.

Hannes Bengs, Pure Waste

Implementation focused on a smooth buying experience and internationality

In the e-commerce implementation, we used our own Lastu e-commerce theme and the functionality of the previously implemented Costo e-commerce. The visual appearance was designed by our design partner Keskiö. We did not want to radically change the look and feel of the online store, but respected the Pure Waste brand and the clear and understated style of the old online store.

Pure Waste operates on an international market, so this had to be taken into account in the design of the online shop. The online shop is multilingual and the payment and delivery methods were implemented to work in a global market. The redesign did not introduce any new functionality to the store itself, but changes were made to the user interface to make the customer shopping experience clearer and more user-friendly.

In the online shop, particular attention was paid to removing barriers to purchase. In the Magento solution, the user had to scroll through the shopping cart for a long time before reaching the checkout. In the new online store, the shopping cart was improved by removing unnecessary fields and clarifying the structure of the shopping cart. In addition, the “add to cart” button on the product page was moved higher up the page so that the user does not have to scroll to the bottom of the page to buy the product they want. These measures are aimed at improving conversion, i.e. the likelihood of a purchase.

The project gave Pure Waste an updated and internationally functional online store that meets their needs. Feedback from the client was positive and the project was delivered on time and within budget.

We have been very pleased with our collaboration with Avoin.Systems. The most valuable benefit as a client was the company that was able to implement both an e-commerce and ERP system for us.

Hannes Bengs, Pure Waste

Check out the online shop here: purewaste.com